◎ 猜北市小套房月租金6800元「被吐槽」 吳欣盈解釋:用平均月薪3分之1來推算 -...
◎ 猜北市小套房月租金6800元「被吐槽」 吳欣盈解釋:用平均月薪3分之1來推算 -...
◎ 猜北市小套房月租金6800元「被吐槽」 吳欣盈解釋:用平均月薪3分之1來推算 -...
◎ 日本買房慘變盤子? 部落客曝「最大賠錢原因」:2招專針對華人 - Yahoo奇摩新聞 2024-01-09
◎ 日本買房慘變盤子? 部落客曝「最大賠錢原因」:2招專針對華人 - Yahoo奇摩新聞 2024-01-09
◎ 日本買房慘變盤子? 部落客曝「最大賠錢原因」:2招專針對華人 | CTWANT | LINE TODAY - LINE TODAY...
◎ 日本買房慘變盤子? 部落客曝「最大賠錢原因」:2招專針對華人 | CTWANT | LINE TODAY - LINE TODAY...
◎ 又中又英|High and dry - 星島頭條 2024-01-09
◎ 估北市套房月租6800元! 吳欣盈:薪資1/3較正常 - TVBS 2024-01-09
◎ 估北市套房月租6800元! 吳欣盈:薪資1/3較正常 - TVBS 2024-01-09
◎ Our MPs raise concerns on the relaxed rental occupancy cap for housing...
◎ Firm action will continue to be taken against HDB, private homeowners...
◎ Build to rent trade body adds new appointment to top table - Property...
◎ Interfaith effort fighting for affordable housing in Chandler - ABC15...
◎ Entire Denver apartment building vacated for days for power outage -...
◎ US rents down 3.2% from summer peak - NewsNation...