動態消息來源: Google 新聞 https://news.google.com/news/search/section/q/rent apartment/rent apartment?hl=zh-TW&gl=TW&ned=tw
◎ LA Apartment Rent Growth Accelerates 2018-08-01 相關報導: - LA Apartment Rent Growth Accelerates GlobeSt.com 【 http://www.globest.com/2018/08/01/l-a-apartment-rent-growth-accelerates/ 】 - Downey rental rates remained flat in July The Downey Patriot 【 http://www.thedowneypatriot.com/articles/downey-rental-rates-remained-flat-in-july 】 ◎ Tenants in Southeast Portland Launch a Rent Strike, Hoping to Stay in Their Gentrifying Apartment Complex 2018-08-01 相關報導: - Tenants in Southeast Portland Launch a Rent Strike, Hoping to Stay in Their Gentrifying Apartment Complex Willamette Week 【 http://www.wweek.com/news/city/2018/07/31/tenants-in-southeast-portland-launch-a-rent-strike-hoping-to-stay-in-their-gentrifying-apartment-complex/ 】 ◎ Melbourne man stabs apartment roommate in rent dispute 2018-08-01 相關報導: - Melbourne man stabs apartment roommate in rent dispute Florida Today 【 https://www.floridatoday.com/story/news/crime/2018/07/31/roommate-rent-dispute-melbourne-apartment-leads-stabbing/872657002/ 】 ◎ Housing officials in high gear over rising rent: Average one-bedroom apartment is more than $2000 a month 2018-07-31 相關報導: - Housing officials in high gear over rising rent: Average one-bedroom apartment is more than $2000 a month San Mateo Daily Journal 【 https://www.smdailyjournal.com/news/local/housing-officials-in-high-gear-over-rising-rent-average-one/article_392bb392-a7f0-5dca-afc0-f078082b6ebd.html 】 ◎ These low-rent New York City apartments include what amenity? 2018-07-31 相關報導: - These low-rent New York City apartments include what amenity? Government Technology 【 http://www.govtech.com/question-of-the-day/Question-of-the-Day-for-07312018.html 】 - NYC startup Roomrs rents smart apartments to young professionals at very low rates Digital Trends 【 https://www.digitaltrends.com/home/roomrs-offers-cheap-apartments-for-young-professionals/ 】